Destination Weather Help

What do I need to get started?

All you need is an iPad® or iPhone® and the Destination Weather app!

How do I add a destination?

Tap on the blue pencil icon found on Map view, Calendar view or List view, then tap “+ Add New Destination” and fill in the following fields:

  • Category – Start by selecting a category for the destination. If you’d like to place it in a new category, select “Add New Category”.
  • Name – Give the destination a custom name such as “Nana’s House” or “Summer Vacation, Day 2”
  • Location – Type the name of the city then select it from the dropdown list. If the city you want isn’t listed, try another nearby location.
  • Arrive & Depart – These fields are optional. If you provide dates for both fields, the destination will appear on the Calendar view. If both fields are left blank, the destination is considered “continuous” and will only appear on the Map and List views.

Okay, now I have a destination! What are the differences between Map, Calendar and List views?

  • Map View – All of your destinations appear on the map as pins. Tap on a pin to view that destination’s current conditions and 7-day forecast.
  • Calendar View – Only destinations with arrival and departure dates appear on the calendar as pins. Blue pins indicate that the destination date is within the next 7 days and a forecast is available. Gray pins indicate that the destination date has either already past or is not yet within the forecast date range. Tap on a blue pin to view that destination’s current conditions and 7-day forecast.
  • List View – All of your destinations are listed within category folders which can be expanded or collapsed by simply tapping on the folder. Destinations with the soonest dates are listed at the top of the category, followed by “continuous” destinations in alphabetical order, followed by destinations with dates in the past. Tap on a “continuous” destination or one within the next 7 days to view that destination’s current conditions and weather forecast.

I need to edit one of my destinations! How do I do that?

Tap the blue pencil icon when in Map view, Calendar view or List view, then tap the destination you want to edit and correct the information as needed. Tap “Save” when finished. 

How do I delete a destination?

You can easily delete a destination by tapping the blue pencil icon when in Map view, Calendar view or List view, then tap on the red minus symbol next to the destination you want to delete. 

I’ve changed my mind and want to delete a custom category. How do I do that?

A custom category is automatically deleted when it contains no destinations. This can be accomplished by either deleting all of the destinations within the category or editing each destination and placing each into a different category.

My friend has Destination Weather and I want to send them one of my saved destinations. Is that possible?

Absolutely! Easily send any of your saved destinations to a friend by tapping on the share icon found when viewing the destination’s forecast, then selecting “Destination”. If the recipient has the Destination Weather app, they simply tap on the link in the text message to add it as one of their saved destinations. 

What kind of information is included in a destination’s forecast?

Destination Weather delivers a weather forecast packed with detailed information about each destination you’ve saved and is powered by NOAA. Tap on a destination to view the following info:

  • Current Conditions – View the current weather condition, temperature, wind, humidity and visibility.
  • 7-Day Forecast – A summary provides you with what weather to expect for the next week as well as a detailed breakdown of the weather forecast for each of the next 7 days which feature: high and low temperatures, precipitation chances and weather conditions.
  • Hourly Forecast – A detailed breakdown of the hourly forecast which features: forecasted temperatures and weather conditions.

What if I want to send a destination’s forecast to a friend?

Want to send grandma the forecast for her visit to your house next week? No problem! Easily send the complete 7-day forecast and current conditions from any of your saved destinations to a friend by tapping on the share icon found when viewing the destination’s forecast, then selecting “Forecast”.

What is a route?

Routes include start and end cities with waypoint cities within the United States that you’ve saved to the app. With a route, you’ll be able to get current conditions and the forecasted weather for each city at the estimated time you’ll arrive there as well as total route milage and more.

What are the steps to add a new route?

Tap on the blue pencil icon when in Route view, then tap “+ Add New Route” and fill in the following fields:

  • Name – Give the route a custom name such as “Summer Road Trip” or “Route to Nana’s”
  • Starting City – Type the name of the city from which the route will start then select it from the dropdown list. If the city you want isn’t listed, try another nearby location.
  • Ending City – Type the name of the city from which the route will start then select it from the dropdown list. If the city you want isn’t listed, try another nearby location.

Tap “Add” to save the information and return to the previous screen. 

How do I edit a route?

Tap on the blue pencil icon when in Route view, then tap on the route you want to edit. Tap “Save” when finished. 

What are waypoints and how do I add/edit/delete them?

When editing a Route, tap on the “+” located at the end of the starting city to add a city as a waypoint for the route. Re-order waypoints by dragging them up or down using the gray handles on the right. Delete a waypoint by tapping on the red minus symbol next to it. 

Can I reverse a route?

Yes! When adding or editing a route, you can easily reverse the starting and ending city as well as all waypoints by tapping on the icon at the end of the ending city. Once a route is reversed, a new route will be created once the Add button is pressed. 

How can I delete a route?

Tap on the blue pencil icon in Route view, then tap on the red minus symbol next to the route you want to delete. 

This is awesome! I want to share a route with a friend! Is that possible?

You bet! Easily send any of your saved routes to a friend by tapping on the share icon found when viewing the route. If the recipient has the Destination Weather app, they simply tap on the link in the text message to add it as one of their saved routes. 

Is it possible to view what the weather will be like when I arrive at a city along my route?

With Destination Weather, yes! Tap on the start city, end city or waypoints to view the following info:

  • Map – See where the city is located along the calculated route.
  • Current Conditions – View the current weather conditions, temperature and a summary of the day’s forecast.
  • Predicted Weather – Calculates how far away the city is from your current location. If you are more than 15 miles or 1 hour away, the estimated date and time of arrival plus the forecast for that city at the estimated arrival time will be shown.

Tap the blue arrow to return to the route info.

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